Thursday, January 22, 2009

Here we are ,three weeks at waterfall road and water falling everywhere.At last! Today we slowly steamed and cooked, so its nice to now just be wet.The chooks are in their motel, enjoying the outdoor aspect of their accomodation. Margaret says Edie is the most talkative, whileSilky is the boss .Gert and Dais, while having nice assertive names are bits of wimps.
We are convinced that the last owners had some strange habits. we keep finding unopened bars of chocolate secreted in the garden, and so far, we have discovered 12 steel springs in the mondo grass. Speaking of mondo grass, somebody who has lived here in previous lives obviously had a mondo grass fetish. There is MILES of it. As I am determined to remove most of it, I am developing MONDO muscles. It is very tough.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere Ms Parsley.

    Your chooks sound like their non-chook counterparts: bosses are often Silky, perhaps Gert is subdued no longer being "by sea"?, the Dais are getting shorter and Edies, well, Margaret may well think they're talkative but I couldn't possibly comment.
