Friday, February 6, 2009

What a week. Hot and no rain. Lots of swimming. The water is 24o, which we love. The seas delivered us up a big pile of seaweed for the garden, for which we are grateful The car smells very sea-ish
We had more drama with the ever escaping Silky. She and Edie seem to work together; Ed runs at Silky and that gives her the impitus to glide over the fence. So everybody stood in the naughty corner and had their other wing cut. We also moved ther whole coop and yard, to under the Grevillea, near the vege patch. They seem to approve.
Margie had more drama; She found a very little possum near the back steps, looking very sad. We decided to take it to a wildlife carer, but when she went to pick it up, it gave her a good bite, and has not been seen since.
We are avid users of the Yandina market, and have found a nursery grower of tropical fruit trees. She is from the Obi-Obi ( what a romantic name for a place) , and we bought a sapodillo, a jaboticaba, blueberry, and a Barbados Cherry. So our food forest is doing well.
We still haven't heard from the mysteriousDurshin the banana man from Gympie. Banana Growing seems further and further away.

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